
The 5 Rules of Happiness

By Burt Goldman
You know when you're happy, and certainly no one has to tell you when you're sad. But what is it that makes a person happy?

It is important to realize that what makes you happy might depress another person. There are people, because of guilt, a feeling they do not deserve what they have, or a feeling they will lose what they have that makes them unhappy when they should be happy.
Possessions are a poor measure of happiness. Possessions are subjective and relative to the individual and the individual's viewpoint. Instead, we will use a philosophy as an example.
This philosophy is about enjoying things you like, avoiding or changing things you do not like, and accepting what you cannot avoid or change by the skillful use of your viewpoint. The use of this philosophy, as embodied in the five rules, will allow you to test many problem areas in your life and find solutions. With this philosophy, you will be well on your way on your pursuit of happiness.

Rule Number One: If You Like a Thing, Enjoy It.
Now that seems outrageously simple. At first you might say, "That's ridiculous, of course if I like something I'm going to enjoy it." But when you stop to think about it you'll probably agree that there are many things in life that we like but don't enjoy. The reasons we don't enjoy things we like are (a) guilt, and (b) fear. You will not enjoy something you like if you feel guilty after having done the thing, or if you are fearful of the consequences of doing it.
Rule Number Two: If You Don't Like a Thing, Avoid It.

101 Romantic Ideas - Valentine Gift

Hello Friends.
For this valentine's day, I have uploaded this free gift eBook of romantic ideas. You are free to download this beautiful collection of Romantic Tips and Ideas by Clicking Here. 
 I hope these little romantic ideas add some fun and more love in your romantic life.

 Remember "Romance" is like a life force in any relationship of opposite sexes. Download the Free eBook : 101 Romantic Ideas

Managing Anger

Up until several years ago, I was a champion 'angry person', in that just about everything in my life made me angry. If someone was unkind, or thoughtless, or selfish, or anything I didn't like, I got angry. And not just upset, but all-out, smoke rolling out of my ears, ANGRY!

But the principles that I was learning led me to realize that every time I got angry, whether I expressed it or not, I was directing Power to create future experiences that would mimic or resonate with that anger. I knew that I had a problem to deal with.

I understand where the philosophy of 'living with your anger' comes from, as well as the philosophy of express it to get rid of it. But at least in my case, everything I expressed got easier to express, and it just grew and grew. I had to eliminate it completely.

Unconditional Love

Love is definitely a beautiful thing, but what happens when you love and get nothing in return? You can love someone, but when they don't love you anymore, treat you badly or have given up on that love, does your love still flourish? . It is just like the saying, "Love your enemies." That is easier said than done. Sometimes when you are in a relationship with someone who is angry with you or has done something you don't like it is very hard to still love them in the midst of it all. I feel like that is the pure definition of unconditional love. You love someone no matter what. You love them even when they have shown a side of them that you don't like. Usually when you give unconditional love to someone who hasn't shown you that love back , they are often surprised. That is not what is typical human behavior. Wars are built on enemies combating each other, not giving love. I have in the past year learned to unconditionally love people, even when they show me a part of them I don't like. Even if someone has done be wrong, I am trying to still have love for them. Just because you have love for them doesn't mean that you don't have a right to send them on their merry way. Of course I am talking in general statements. Every relationship is different. Though what if we loved people without expecting any love in return? All I can say is this world would be a different place!

Psychic Self Protection by Alan Tutt

With this technique, I am going to show you how to create and maintain a 'safe zone' where no-one can attack you. Whether your enemy would try to attack you physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychically, you will be able to create a buffer which prevents him from following through on his intentions.

The first thing to know is that pure Power drawn directly from the Source can overcome any lesser influence. Your would-be attacker is most definitely a 'lesser influence'. The stronger your connection with Spirit, the closer you are to the Source of pure Power. (The Keys To Power Mastery System is an excellent guide to developing your connection to Spirit.) With this technique, you want your connection to Spirit (and its Power) to be stronger than that of your enemy.

But however strong your connection to Spirit is now, you can use it for some benefit. Sit quietly and relax your mind and body. Focus your mind on opening your spiritual connection and flooding your being with Power.

God Does not Say NO...YOU Do! - By Bob Doyle

There are a couple of things you've probably heard said over
and over. The first is, "Why doesn't God answer my
prayers?". What you'll generally hear next is the response
which goes something like, "God DOES answer your prayers.
Sometimes he just says 'No'".

The fact is, it's not God who says "No". In fact, God - the
infinite source of "All that Is", ONLY says "Yes"! God is
the ultimate "creation" mechanism. God responds PRECISELY to YOUR creative catalyst.

So you say, "Well, I've been asking God for money, but he
hasn't given it to me.". The answer lies in HOW you are
asking! Remember that God - the Universe - responds in a
very precise way! It's a matter of Quantum Physics! If your
prayer goes something like, "Dear God. I'm in trouble. I
have no money. I can't pay any of the bills. I  need m0ney!",
then THAT is what will be real for you. You WILL be in
trouble. You WILL have no money! You WON'T be able to pay the bills, and you WILL NEED MONEY.

The Universe feeds back to you what you give it - and in
fact, amplifies it!

30 Ways to say "I Love You"

Your wife desperately needs to hear it. She says she wants for you to show it, too. How can you say, "I Love You" through your words and deeds without using those three words all of the time? Here are fifty great ideas:
1. Leave a note under her windshield wiper at work.

2. Give her a flower for each month you have been together.

3. Give her a facial massage.

4. Take her to the ballet or theatre.

5. Plan an overnight at a bed & breakfast.

6. Get a babysitter every friday.

7. Give your mate a romantic basket - with bubble bath, massage oil, chocolates, etc.

8. Give her a key with a note that says, "You have the key to my heart" or, "You're the key to my happiness."

9. Send flowers to your sweetie's workplace.

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